'SCUM', that is what I think of seventy five percent of the Iraqi police force! According to their own Commander he can only trust a quarter of his officers not to give away army positions or secrets to the Militia.
Recently we saw two British army undercover operatives taken captive by Iraqi Police. Instead of securing them in jail they passed the two brave guys into the hands of the enemy. We sent two warrior tanks to the Iraqi Police station, knocked down a wall and demanded to know where our men where being kept. It appears they were in a house in Basra having been paraded in front of Militia cameras for TV viewing! Again out troops backed up by SAS commandos stormed the house and took our men back. Two bottles of Scotch are sitting on my desk waiting for them to collect when they eventually get home. Cheers Lads and bloody well done!
The young thirteen year old who went missing from Walton on Thames station and then who's body was found six months later is never far from my thoughts, A fifty seven year old man with previous convictions for sex offences was arrested, but later released.
Last Month I was happy to run a short STAY SAFE course for London's Mini IT Girls, including the lovely Jade Farmiloe, daughter of one of our editors. Jade and her friends sat through a talk by me about the dangers that can face them on the street, and at home. We then went on to do a practical workshop where I taught the girls how to protect themselves should they ever be under attack. The girls kicked butt! In a few minutes I had them grabbing, squeezing and leg kicking with the best of them. Hopefully some of what I taught them will stay in their memories as they go about their day to day lives.
It's only recent that London suffered bombs on the tube and buses, yet I still see people ignoring packages and bags left on the train or station platform. How quickly we forget that over fifty people died from this atrocity! Please be vigilant and report any unattended items you may see whilst travelling around.
Sorry this is so short this month but I am rushed off my feet; also I have two new additions to the Davis household - twelve week old Delta, and SAS, tabby kittens. My eldest two pussies, Doris and UZI, are taking to the new editions quite well, although Doris is a bit put out, but Uzi is teaching them all the good stuff they should know to live a happy and healthy nine lives.
Until next month Stay Safe Jacquieline Davis www.femalebodyguard.com