Every night for the last couple of weeks I have gone to bed with ex Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan! Oh how he has made me giggle as I have snuggled up under the duvet! He has told me stories of Kiss and tell girls, celebrities calling him begging for help with their marital problems, and lastly the shallowness of Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime minister Tony. Cherie apparently hates Piers because he once wrote she had bad skin. Is there no end to this woman's vanity? I digress, so back to smooth talking Piers and his ability to make me laugh and smile. And now it is all over as I turned the last page of his best selling book I felt sadly bereft. More Piers, I want more.
New Gizmo
A great new piece of electronic listening equipment has come onto the market brought to us by Lorraine Electronics, a company which I have used for years to provide me with various pieces of electronic surveillance equipment. The GSM engine can be concealed in a room or vehicle, or indeed worn about the person. By telephoning a number you can access and listen to the engine at any time. You can place it in a room in England and telephone from Sidney, Australia to hear exactly what is happening in the room in England. The engine can even be programmed to contact you in response to various types of activity in the target area such as human movement or presence. It is discreet and easy to hide and if you want to know what is happening why you are not at home this is the gizmo for you. contact Lorraine Electronics on (44) 0207 493 4007 and mention you read about it here in my column.
Jackson Trial
Is Michael Jackson going to get an Oscar for his performance at court? We have had everything from the bad back slow walk to putting his head in is hands and looking pathetic…and more. I personally do not believe Jackson sodomised a child but I do believe, based on the evidence so far, that he is guilty of sexual assault. If the children that have given evidence are correct they say Jackson masturbated them in the bath and showed them pornography on his computer and let them read pornographic magazines. This is not acceptable behaviour for a man of forty six, he must be made to pay (in prison terms not monetary) for his crimes. He may have been the greatest Pop singer of his time but sadly he is now a pathetic paedophile.
Stalkers come in various disguises and use various methods of trying to contact celebrities and those in the public eye: George Michael even had one hiding under his house. I have one texting me - not a stalker as such as I know who he is - and I know he reads this column. So here is my warning to you! I know you are a well known celeb and I do not want to have sex with you and your sad celeb/actor mate so stop texting and asking me or next month you can read your name here. GOT IT.
I am in the USA this month lecturing at various universities and women's groups so I shall keep you all informed of whatever scrapes I get into.
Until next month
Stay safe
Jacquieline Davis